MTO Ex­o­tique Col­lec­tion

This week, we discovered another very inspirational set of creations that came to life in Paris, when it was presented by the brains behind it; renown creative studio Bonsoir Paris, who shared the extraordinary mod­u­lar trav­eling re­tail cases they have designed for the Dior Homme Made To Order Ex­o­tique Col­lec­tion 2016 two weeks ago on their website. Handcrafted exclusively from different types of exotic leather, the exquisite Dior Homme collection — a brainchild of creative director Kris van Assche — consists of jack­ets and ac­ces­sories, and needed a set of traveling cases that would preserve and protect the luxurious collection, while at the same time touch the same level of luxurious excellence and elegantly tease viewers with glimpses of the exclusive creations within. To create something that is safe, refined and has a teasing quality in its design, may sound like worlds apart — by moving into the futuristic aesthetic realm that reminds us of space travel, combined with playfully implementing storage and presentation elements, and maximally using the cosmetic elements of the sturdy materials in the most creative ways, Bonsoir Paris’ work for Dior Homme is among some of the most inspirational we have seen in years. 

Light is used as a means of prod­uct dis­cov­ery through­out the en­tire ex­pe­ri­ence. Each step un­veils a new plane of dis­cov­ery show­cas­ing the metic­u­lous and de­tail-ori­ented work of each prod­uct. Cu­rios­ity is aroused by a breath-like rhyth­mic light an­i­ma­tion pul­sat­ing through the sides of each case, draw­ing view­ers’ at­ten­tion to the hid­den leather goods placed on slid­ers within the struc­ture.

A win­dow in the dis­play’s front layer re­veals a hint of the prod­uct’s ma­te­r­ial and pat­tern. The two-step open­ing of the cab­i­net high­lights its sym­met­ri­cal struc­ture . To com­plete the ex­pe­ri­ence, the dis­play turns into a per­sonal dress­ing room once the jacket is re­moved.

Bonsoir Paris is a creative studio that stimulates curiosity in the everyday and makes the impossible seem logical. Working at the intersections of art, science, design and technology, the approach is defined by experimentation and cutting-edge innovation. Combining original thinking with rigorous technical expertise, we work across spatial and object design, photography, filmmaking, live spectacles and consultancy – creating unexpected solutions that captivate the audiences of our progressive clients and partners.

Founded by creative directors Rémy Clémente and Morgan Maccari in 2010, the duo were joined by managing director and photographer Ben Sandler in 2012. Today, the team includes design director Fanny Dora, art director Ophélie Maurus, as well as a strong network of architects, designers, programmers, creative technologists, engineers, and producers throughout Europe and abroad. Some of their recent clients include Dior, Sid Lee, Études studio, Fiorucci, Médecins du Monde, Wallpaper*and mk2.

For all information and more work by Bonsoir Paris see here

For everything concerning Dior see here